The Site
The proposed site is located to the west of Crawley Down village, with most of the site within an approximate 15-to-20-minute walk of the village services and facilities. The site covers an area of around 35 hectares, primarily consisting of grassland fields surrounded by mature vegetation, including trees, hedgerows, and woodland. This site has been identified for new homes and community facilities in the Draft Mid Sussex Local Plan 2024 (MSLP). The Local Plan is currently at examination, with the stage 2 hearing sessions due to take place in 2025. Wates has had an interest in the land for over 10 years and has recently submitted a pre-application proposal to the Council for a new, well connected, mixed-use, sustainable neighbourhood for the area.
The Development
This landscape-led development looks to deliver of 350 homes, a community building, a 50-bed care home, over 13 hectares of public open space, play space and allotments for the benefit of all local residents.
The proposals respond to the site’s characteristics by incorporating the more sensitive areas of the site into new areas of public open space. Sustainable and innovative technologies will also be incorporated to futureproof the dwellings, alongside accessible and adaptable features that enable people to stay in their own homes as their needs change.
Our Proposals
An overview of our proposals can be view via this consultation booklet.
Alternatively, you can view a printed version of the proposals at The Haven Centre between the 18th November and 6th December 2024.
You can also leave feedback via our online feedback form, or contact us via post or email.